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2018 goals

Hello and Happy New Year.

It is very much a convention at this time of year that we mortals think about the things we really dislike in our lives, and make resolutions to resolve these by December 31st of that year. I personally do not opt to have resolutions as I think these often lead to pressure to succeed and consequent failures. I prefer to set goals. I know you may think 'Aimee, what's the freaking difference?' but I think goals are more free. They are suggestions of what I would like to try out and change, with the mind-set of 'I'm going to see where this takes me' as oppose to 'this must take me to x destination.' Having said this, I have nothing against people who do make resolutions. It is ultimately down to what works for you and I have found that having small little wishes usually works out better for me than huge, life changing decisions which are rather drastic. Some people are actually pretty content with how their lives are and thus, aren't thrown into the New Year with the concept that they need to change. Whatever you want to do, that's cool- do what makes you happy.

Having splashed all of this word vomit into this post, I would like to present to you a miniature list of goals I have in mind to begin doing in 2018.

  • Read more: I'm fairly certain that this crops into every single goal I ever make for myself. But, with my ever growing pile of books to read and never ending list of books I want to read, I am determined to start getting back on the book train. For a period of time, post-university, I really dreaded reading. I had spent so much time reading, analysing texts and writing about them that I was quite tired. However, I have been picking up a few books in the last few months of 2017 which have rekindled that burning flame. Furthermore, I want my reading to compliment my blogging goals, by introducing reviews into my posts. I don't personally have a lot of free time for reading, but in the moments I get, I am determined to cram in as much story filled escapism as I can.
  • Eat more plant based meals: I've been veggie for almost two years and it is probably one of the things I am most proud of. Now let me stress this- I am not one of those 'you can't sit with us (if you eat meat)' people. So, don't @ me for this goal if you choose to eat meat/animal products. I've been interested in veganism for a while but I do think it is such a drastic thing to do overnight. Therefore, I want to seep in some elements of veganism into my life. As some may do 'meatless Mondays' I am hoping to eat at least one vegan meal a day. I already haven't drunk animal milk for over a year, and I have just made the decision to go dairy free with my butter. Small steps like this are where I am headed, and I think in the long term, it will be beneficial to the planet and the animals.
  • Self care: 2017 was pretty wild in terms of my mental health. At times it became the worst it's ever been. The same could also be said for my physical health. From periods and back issues to migraines, I really felt dull and drained in 2017. This year, I want to focus on me. For so long, I have always put others first. And whilst I am still going to care about the people around me, I am also going to start caring for myself. From little things like facemasks and box sets, to taking time away from screens, I want to start loving myself the way I did when I was in primary school. It makes me incredibly nostalgic and sad to think about the person I was at 6, compared to the person I am now at 22. For a while, I lost friendships or people I cared about and I beat myself up about it too much. 2018 is the year I say if you don't want to be in my life then leave, cause I refuse to keep chasing and getting hurt. You get one life and the one thing you forget is the most permanent thing in it is yourself. So respect your body, take care of your bones, relax and give yourself time to heal when you need to.
  • Save £££££: I have quite a shopping habit, to the point where I wonder if it is an addiction. Sometimes I cannot stop myself from browsing websites and Depop and shops. I think it is quite a meme worthy millennial thing but I actually don't have the money to be wasting on £4 coffees and £10 lipsticks. So, in 2018, I am making it my mission to save where I can. I am doing this in several ways; decluttering and using up makeup before buying more, using vouchers and points from reward cards like Costa to pay for things, actually wearing the stuff in my wardrobe instead of adding to it and also, I have made a page in my diary specifically for monthly spends, so I can track where I waste my money.
  • Stop being afraid: I want to explore in 2018. I want to go to new places alone which is something very anxiety inducing for me. But, I know that life is limited and I should do the things I want to whilst I am young and able enough to do so. I want to stop seeing cute clothes in stores and thinking 'I wish I had the to confidence to wear that.' I'm getting to a point now with age where I just want to start doing stuff that makes me happy. For nobody else except myself. I deserve to wear something regardless of who it is styled for, I deserve to go somewhere regardless of if I have anyone interested enough to come with. I want to start telling my head to shut up and tell my heart that it is right to do things outside of my comfort zone.
  • Drink more water: I think this is part of my self care goal but I know that I don't drink enough water. It is so good for wellbeing, as well as for the skin. I have bought myself a snazzy bottle to bring to work and on the go, with a fruit infuser mechanism to it to and I am aiming to drink at least three bottles a day.
I am fairly certain these are my only big goals for 2018. Though, I will inevitably add more as the months go on.

What are your goals for 2018?

See you in my next post,

Aimee :)

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