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July Favourites

Hello everyone,
what's that you hear? the sound of me giving yet another apology for a delay in posts!!! I really am sorry. Life has been chaotic recently what with graduation, overtime at work and a little thing called Pokémon Go! I am here with another favourites post (sans pics because honestly I'm getting lazy in my old age of 21). Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy this mini post, which I'm hoping will get me back into the habit of writing regularly.

Book- I'm pretty sure that three years of digesting classics and random texts at university has left me in a bit of a reader's block, but I recently picked up Saint Anything by Sarah Dessen in my library and was catapulted into another world, one I've been craving for a while. It tells the story of Sydney, a young girl who's always lived under the shadow of her older brother Peyton. However, he's gone from being the golden boy in town to becoming a new inmate for an accident which stemmed out of his reckless behaviour. I've never written a book review on my blog so I'm not sure I'm selling it well and I don't want to ruin you with spoilers, but if you're looking for a light read and a fictional character to crush on, this is definitely for you!

TV show- As I mentioned in my previous favourites post, I am all about that Mr Robot life, and Season Two is well and truly keeping me on my toes. Aside from this I have been digging, yes digging, the MTV series Scream which my good pal Natalie was raving about. Now, if you don't like horror I would still recommend that you give the series a chance because it is filled with twists and turns and at times is pretty funny. It is also currently airing it's second series and boy am I excited to learn who the killer is this season.

Film- It seems that most of this year has been pretty dead for good blockbusters and now all of a sudden there's 1993894948490 that I'm looking forward to. I recently went to see The Secret Life of Pets which was so hilarious (and maybe even a tiny bit emo in my dogless life). There was just something about the mix of a New York backdrop, pets that talk and a bunny rabbit who controls an underground team of rebels that I really enjoyed and I think if you're looking for something to brighten up your day then this is truly worth the watch.

Place- I went to my local zoo on the very last Sunday of July and it turned out to be a funday (see what I did there?). My relationship with zoos has always been complicated because I am all for that conservation and protection of animals but also there seems something so wrong with a bunch of people standing against glass watching a chimp swing around a smol enclosure. However, there were many things to enjoy such as the weather, the access to many ice cream flavours, the friendly staff, the GIRAFFES and the many pokestops! It also was nice to feel like a kid again in this very strange state of post graduation sans future plans I am in.

Thank you as ever for reading my posts, I really appreciate it and I would love if you could tell me the kind of things you'd like me to write about. I hope you're all doing well and enjoying breaks at the moment. Until next time, take care,
Aimee :) x


  1. Ahhhhhhhhhh Saint Anything!! What a book man, what a book. I'm so glad you're loving my smol Scream baby.

    1. Ernie I only just saw this comment! thank you so much for reading my post :) I am so sad Scream is over for now :-(


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