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My Pet Peeves

Hello everyone,
it seems that most of my posts are about bands and the great adventures those bands bring for me and my friends and, as much as I love to update you on our emo escapades, I wanted this blog to bring you little pieces of me and my life. I'm slowly, but surely, trying to post tiny pieces about me as a way of introducing myself, and I thought there would be no better way to start then with this post in which I will be doing what I do best; complaining about things that annoy me!
I already have an about me page, which you can read here, however most of those bullet points are tiny with no further explanation. This post is a place where I can rant about the things which, however ridiculous they may seem, have the power to make my mind want to implode. Hopefully you'll relate to  one or two of them and if you have any of your own pet peeves please feel free to leave them in the comments below!
So in no ascending order, here comes the rant of all rants:

  • Pet Peeve #1-Stickers being on things that should not have stickers on- you just got a new book or cd that you are so excited about. There are no cracks or creases and you can feel fresh newness buzzing in your hands. But what is that, oh no. You try to peel it off but no, there is a small, sticky spot on your new purchase which completely corrupts the smooth surface you thought you were clutching onto. For the love of God @ every company who does this JUST DON'T! And if you must, could you not just use a sticker that is EASY PEEL and will not leave traces from your hellish ways.
  • Pet Peeve #2-People who don't put things where they belong in shops- I've been working in a supermarket store for a while now, and nothing riles me up more than when I go to put out milk in the fridge and someone has dumped something there from a different aisle. Dear shoppers, please have some respect. This fridge is not a dumpster. Not only will it make my job easier, but it will also be much better if in the future that one loaf of granary bread you really want is on the shelf and not freezing to death with the ice cream! The worst of all in these cases is when something gets dumped where it just SHOULD NOT BE! Donuts do NOT belong in salad aisle, frozen peas do not go where tins of tomatoes go, just tell someone at the till you no longer want said item and we can all lead happy lives.
  • Pet Peeve #3-People who say they need to diet when they're fitter than you- this probably is related to my incredibly overthinking mind but if one of my friends who is a size 8 tells me they're 'super fat and bloated' and that they need to 'join the gym and lose weight' this will instantly make me look down at my much more bloated stomach, my wider thighs and more puffed out arms and question, damn if you think you're fat what do you think of me? Please, you are beautiful. I truly support anyone's quest to feel their absolute best, but there are so many people I know who do this just for the compliments of 'Oh no you don't need to work out you're so fit' and I really, really do not have the time for you and your ego.
  • Pet Peeve #4-Drivers who don't indicate- I cannot drive. I know I'm a massive disappointment being a twenty year old who relies on her parents to take her places but even still, it pisses me the fuck off if someone does not indicate where they're going. Oh you're coming into our lane I wouldn't know because you seem to have forgotten that you can INDICATE YOUR INTENTIONS! How did you pass your test you poor excuse for a driver? Please be the passenger in all future journeys.
  • Pet Peeve #5-People who talk when their mouths are full- just DON'T!
  • Pet Peeve #6-Annoying noises- specifically; snoring, tapping, people clicking pens when I'm in an exam, wheezing breaths, whistling noses, birds tweeting at 5am, loud chewers, deep breathers, when I'm on the bus listening to The Story So Far and can still hear the shitty hip hop disco someone seems to be having at the back of the bus. You all annoy the hell out of me!
  • Pet Peeve #7-When little kids have been eating and try to give you what they no longer want- did you clean your hands? NO. do you have a cold? Probably. do I want your food? hell NO!
  • Pet Peeve #8-When you're watching a film and someone constantly asks what's going to happen- shoutout to my mum for making this be a pet peeve. Listen, if I haven't seen the film how do I know what's going to happen? I know as much as you, just button it and watch.
  • Pet Peeve #9-When I ask a question and the end of someone's response is 'isn't it?' or 'right?'- I am asking a question because I need information, if you don't know the answer just say, do not answer with a question that I cannot answer BECAUSE I JUST ASKED YOU THE QUESTION IN THE FIRST PLACE!
  • Pet Peeve #10-When I go to meet a band and that one person tells everyone there to 'stay calm' and 'not mob'- shut the fuck up, period. Especially you Stan, especially you.
  • Pet Peeve#11-People who stop me in public for 'charity'- I can see you a mile off, I'm power walking in the opposite direction for a reason, I don't want to talk to you. But no, you've already side eyed your friend to stop me. I don't trust you, I don't know you and I do not like you, please let me walk in peace. If and when I want to donate money to charity, I will seek out that organisation in a way I know where my money is going and when I wish to.
  • Pet Peeve #12-When people bend book spines- every book I own, apart from Twilight and The Perks of Being a Wallflower, looks as though it has never been read. It is good as new, the pages are crisp the scent of fresh book lingers. But then someone comes along and asks to borrow it, and this placid realm of uncreased books is destroyed. Please people, have some respect.
I'm pretty certain that this list could  go on for at least another 35 points, and who knows I may write a part two or three in the future, but for now I think I've done enough complaining for one day, once again,
Thank you for reading
Aimee :) x

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