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Better Late Than Never...

Why hello there old friends, it's been a pretty long time since my last post (major apologies, kisses, bouquets of tulips to you) but here I am, back better late than never, and ready to blog, blog, blog about things that you may want to read, read, read (or not)!

So, what was the cause of my delay? Well, that massive, time consuming, often pain in the butt thing which happens to be my degree, and I am unbelievably relieved to say that second year is officially OVER! I feel very weird saying that. A good weird, but nonetheless it seems like this morning I enrolled at uni, and to think that I'm going to be spending the next few months planning my dissertation is beyond crazy. It's so strange to think I spent literally everyday of the academic year wanting to either a) be in bed, b) fighting dragons c) anywhere but uni, and to be at a point where the summer is officially on my door step is a complete state of JAMOHDIJDOKMONISJOSMosoM.

What will I be doing with my endless amount of time with no exams, classes, 9am lectures sent from hell? I am so glad you asked. Here is a mini list of things I'm planning on doing, and may even be writing about right here for you to read in the very near future:

  • Well, probably working 345989298 hours a week and complaining about it until I see the £££ signs in my bank account, but also
  • Visiting museums. Call me a loser but I love museums, I love seeing weird and wonderful artifacts, I love tiny cafe's that sit in the corner of the museum and most importantly I love the gift shops (buy me a pencil with a museum name on and I'm yours). I'm really hoping to go to the Natural History Museum because, if you read my American Adventure post, you'll know how much I fell in love with the American Museum of Natural History, and I'm 10,000% sure the one in London will make me feel just as heart eyed. I also hope to the National Space Center because it's kind of been in my hometown for more than half of my life and I've never visited it. I'm also going to the Victoria and Albert Museum which relates to my next plan of
  • Visiting the Alexander McQueen Exhibit with my pal Georgia. I have an endless respect, admiration and love for Alexander and it will be one of the saddest but most spectacular days.
  • I'm also going to see 5SOS on at least one of their UK shows which I am so pumped for, I feel like my heart cannot contain the excitement much longer!
  • My birthday is in June so I will be celebrating that with the people I love the most. Thorpe Park and TGI Fridays are my current plans which I hope stick!
  • Generally being healthier. I have no intentions of getting to a goal weight or any crazy diet plans, I just want to look and feel more positive and cleansed and I'm going to try my best to give my body the love and attention it deserves.
  • As well as some spontaneous day trips, cinema visits, splurges and gigs, I also really want to edit my blog and make it look as pretty as can be!
That's it for this post, of course there will be so many more posts tagging along with that list so make sure to keep your eye peeled for what is my often very boring life.
Thank you for taking the time to read this post, I truly appreciate it. If you have any cool summer plans leave me a comment I would love hear them!
Aimee :) x

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