As I mentioned in my last post, I spent the last weekend in London seeing one of my favourite bands, 5 Seconds of Summer headline a triple bill of shows at Wembley Arena!
Right now, I'm a little too emo to talk about the actual shows (especially the part where a certain Michael Clifford set on fire) so, I thought I would write a little post about the things we encountered during our tour weekend, most of which left us in a fit of craughing (Verb- to cry and laugh at the same time) so without further ado, here's some moments that we could never forget, no matter how much we might try:
- Always start with a road trip playlist that involves screaming to You Suck by Abigail Breslin at least four times
- Don't laugh at people who fall on tube station escalators
- Pretend you understand the joke the reception manager tells when you check in to your hostel
- Don't book into a hostHELL that smells of vomit, is underground, has no windows, a bar above it and a bunk bed in which you hit your head four times in the night
- When your bed breaks at 5 in the morning, laugh for at least forty five minutes to make up for the pain of the horrendous hostHELL
- Don't pack wine or any bottles of alcohol in your suitcase, they will smash, and your underwear will smell like an alcoholics dream for the entire weekend
- When the receptionist says their manager will be able to assist you at 8 am, they're lying and really mean 1pm
- Make sure you check and book into a Travelodge in which the receptionist will book you in at 9am and asks you to write down the name of the band you're going to see
- When Hey Violet say their acoustic begins at 3pm, get to the venue at 1pm in time for a spot
- Don't walk into Domino's even if the door is open, because they aren't serving and you will be pizzaless
- When John Feldmann is in your pod for a show, do not spill three drinks next to him
- When you're in a pub and the band's friends come in, do not follow them, do not let them hold the door for you because then you have to pretend you were going somewhere
- When you try and meet 5SOS, don't let a bee give birth in your coat, do not sit on a curb as Calum Hood drives by you and never for one second think it will work out
- Also don't follow John Feldmann down the street
- Toddlers and Tiaras kisses are acceptable poses
- Sometimes you'll be so tired that you will put your clothes on backwards, sometimes even inside out and backwards. Sometimes you will meet bands with your clothes on backwards but nobody will know, unless you shout that you've been looking for your pockets all day
- It is possible to queue up and meet Hey Violet and be recognised as stalkers, sometimes you will even manage to sneak into more than one photo just to see your fave
- It is okay to shout 'that's my bae bae' when your favourite member does their thing
- Don't buy merch with the intention of using it for a particular song, because when you want your foam finger for Good Girls the show might stop before that song
- It is okay to sob when a band member catches fire
- When your friends tell you your copy of the tour programme doesn't have your favourite member in, and you go to merch to ask for the copy with said member in, DON'T BELIEVE THEM
- Sometimes a pancake will look like an omelette
- Pretend you don't see the side eye from band members at the shows you attend, it'll be easier
- Every show must start with glitter and end with confetti
- Screaming along to the pre show playlist and annoying the hell out of everyone around you is acceptable
- When you think the Chinese restaurant you want to go to will be open just go to McDonalds instead, it'll save you the heartache
- Don't let your fave see you sob and wipe tears during an emo song
- If security lines you up and tells you not to go near the band, don't believe it's because the band will come for you
- Don't pay for eleven hours of parking when you know the flight
- When the band play a loud and fast song, dance in a circle pit around a pile of bags infront of their parents, because then you'll be filmed looking like a tit who is having the time of their life
- It is possible to get into a standing pod, if you have the willpower and strategy to do so
- Confetti will stain your body
- When Mike Duce is standing next to you at merch don't yell NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO because they've sold out of ugly photo cards
- Maisie Williams is very friendly and tiny and will whatever hand sign at bands
- candyfloss and bubblegum daiquiris will turn your retainer pink
This is pretty much every moment I can remember from the weekend that doesn't involve the actual shows. Even though we had to ditch our hostHELL we are able to laugh at ourselves and the mess that is our lives. Stay tuned for a post about the actual shows, I will be writing it when I am less emo about the tour being over for everyone here in the UK!
Thank you for reading,
Aimee :) x
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